I love my garden - (2003-07-27, 11:16 a.m.)

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Stupid SMG isn't working. I've tried to leave messages and haven't had any success. That must be why I'm not getting any messages either, right? ;)

I've weeded until my hands are sore in the garden this weekend. The front yard is cleaned up and complete, and my back yard is about 2/3 done. There's a flower that I can't touch back there (Menarda aka Bee Balm) because it gives me a horrible rash and was able to determine that I'm also allergic to Juniper as well. Which of course is great because we have five huge juniper bushes in the front yard that I had to weed around. My Mom, thank goodness, is going to weed around the Menarda for me so that I don't have red welts all over my hands and arms for the next three days. Oh well.

I haven't been sleeping well again, but that's a whole other entry in itself, don't you think?

I love my garden, I find joy and peace there. As long as I'm coated with bug spray and have fogged, of course! It will be such a relief to finally be caught up with all the stuff. Of course it's never really done because I have some moving and transplanting that I want to do, but it's getting there. There's some day lillies that I want to plant over on the East edge of the house to fill up some of the empty space that I have, and they will do so well there. Red, maroon, peach and yellow day lillies. Gotta love 'em, and they're about impossible to kill.

Yeah. I love my garden. Have a peaceful Sunday.

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