The Cold - (2003-07-28, 10:03 a.m.)

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I feel awful today. Like someone has taken 120 grit sandpaper after my throat and worked on it for an hour or so.

It started yesterday with all kinds of sneezing and stuffiness. I thought it was allergies. I thought wrong.

I could hardly sleep last night because my throat hurt so badly. Dayquil isn't doing the trick, and neither did Nyquil. I've sucked so many cough drops I've almost gone through an entire bag. I'm dehydrated because it hurts to drink. Help!!! Any suggestions?

I hate being sick...I've been medication-sick to many times in the last two years. Now when my body lets me down it feels like I'm being punished for something that I have no idea what I did.

Apparently there was a pretty bad cold going around my office, but who knows. I even cancelled my dentist appointment for today. I just can't bear the thought of having to go get teeth filled when I'm all scratchy and feeling awful in the first place.

I'm going back to bed.

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