New Site, Carpet Cleaning and Daisy - (2003-02-27, 11:46 a.m.)

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Feeling much better today. I swear, I haven't ever had PMS this badly. Ever. It's been miserable. Curled up with the heating pad underneath the electric blanket all day yesterday and still having the point where I just wanted to curl into the fetal position and cry! WTF is wrong with my body lately? Who knows.

Busy day as always today. Daisy was dropped off at the vet's this morning to be fixed. So tonight I clean house! Poor thing, I feel so sorry for her being in heat. The vet put us off three weeks for an appointment and we thought she would go into heat later than she actually did.

So poor thing, Calvin has been trying to hump her in his spare time. She just turns around and bites him. We got her a "doggie diaper" but sometimes it still got on the carpet. Ewww. So tonight, I clean carpets.

I am thankful once again that I have a carpet steamer. I would be spending ridiculous amounts of money getting my carpets cleaned all the time.

Part of it is, I love to walk around barefoot. Dirty carpeting is a serious pet peeve of mine. I hate walking around and having anything stick to my feet. That's why I vacuum just about every day. And with all the mud and stuff that the dogs and cats drag into the house it gets to be a bit much.

I'm going to walk on the treadmill tonight while I watch Friends, and when I get home I'm going to start with the cleaning. Hopefully I'll get most of the cleaning done so I won't have to do it this weekend.

I just don't really have all that much else to talk about today.

Oh yeah! I purchased a domain name, and am in the process of uploading all my Design stuff up there. It seems as though most desginers are packing it up and quitting as there aren't a whole lot of free services anymore. I'm going to build a website for me and hubby, so I figured that I would use some of the extra space for design templates and image hosting for diaryland. Yay! Several of the "bigger" designers have stopped (GenDesigns, Lissy, Lex etc.) so perhaps I will have more of my designs used. That would make me very happy indeed.

That's it for today! Hopefully I'll get a chace to get more of my stuff up and running with regards to my design site. I want to change the design too, so we'll see what happens.

Happy Thursday!

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