Daisy Fixed and Fatty Fatty Boombalatty - (2003-02-28, 11:00 a.m.)

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So poor Daisy got fixed yesterday.

I picked her up from the vet and she was just groggy. I felt so badly for her, obviously she hasn't been feeling all that great as she just lied on the couch and groaned often and repeatedly. She's a vocal dog, but not that vocal.

I think she had a bad reacation to the anisthesia too as she's been throwing up since we got her home. She threw up several times in the living room last night. It's all yellow bile and not easy to get out of the carpeting...but I'll work on it tonight with some club soda I guess. The bad part about it is, she threw up on the cat tree and that's going to be VERY tough to clean. Not sure how I'm going to do that yet.

I got the good majority of my house cleaned last night. Since everything was a rerun except for Scrubs (and that probably was too, but I hadn't seen it) I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned some more. Just the hallway, bathroom and office left to do tonight. That way I'll be DONE before Saturday. Then I can work on the website domain that I purchased. :) Yeah, Katress is getting into design BIG TIME!

I called my doctor's office this morning and wanted to see what he thought about my constant weight gain. I quit taking my Zoloft, but I'm still gaining about a pound a week. I've been watching my food intake, getting regular and vigorous excercise, and I'm still gaining. So his first response was "Try weight watchers." Um, no. I'm already working with this website that she referred me to, and I'm just at a loss. There's obviously something wrong here and it peeves me that my Dr. just kind of brushed me off about it. I'm 30 lbs. over my ideal weight, feel just FAT all the time and can't fit into any of my clothes anymore. I'm doing everything I can on my end am just at a loss for what else to do. I'm eating lots of fiber. I'm not eating hardly any fatty foods, and just...I don't know what else to do. Weight Watchers. Pah!!! Screw that. I'm already doing something similar to that and not getting anywhere. I need some drugs, people! Gimme some Meridia or something!

So yeah. That's been my Friday.

I hope to God that I get some sort of response before the day is over from him. It makes me upset that I'm getting bigger and bigger, I can't afford to buy a new wardrobe and it's the medication that's making me like this. I'm 5'7" and I should weight 150 lbs. Obviously I don't. And I feel awful and it's hurting my self-image.


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