January and he's on the Harley - (2003-01-08, 6:35 a.m.)

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It was a beautiful day here yesterday. Around the mid forties, and in northern Minnesota, that's REALLY nice for January. Some areas broke record highs!

So of course, according to Hubby, that meant that he had to go ride the Harley.

Unbelievable. There's still snow and ice on the roads, and there's my wacko husband, on his Harley on the interstate. *sigh*

Of course, he wore his leather boots, chaps, jacket, gloves and a full face helmet, so at least I didn't have to worry about him getting road rash if someone slid into him, but gosh...

It's January!

So of course this isn't helping his cold virus that he seems to have gotten out of nowhere. I'm not sure what's going on as I'm the one with the crummy immune system, and he's the one that keeps getting sick. If he gives it to me, I'm not going to be very impressed. And of course, the odds are in favor of me getting it too as there are lots of people in the office that are sniffling and snuffling and carrying kleenex boxes around with them.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not jealous that I don't have my very own kleenex box to tote around, in fact it's the complete opposite.

I'm terrified of becoming one of the kleenex toting masses. So send good health vibes my way.

And while you're at it, some money vibes too. For goodness sake, I'm not even allowed to go to Wal-Mart by myself anymore! We're so po' that we can't even afford the extra "o" and the "r" right now post-Christmas.

At least I get paid three times in January. That should help out quite a bit.

Now for a complete subject change, I'm wearing a new angora wool sweater with satin trim around the sleeve ends and the collar and feeling quite sassy today. It is my new "skinny sweater" I think. Black is flattering that way, no?

I should get to work, it's time for me to get started.

Happy Wednesday!

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