My History - (2003-01-07, 9:56 a.m.)

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Another busy day at work. Do I have anything but busy? Not often, I can say that. :)

I don't have all that much to discuss today, except for the fact that I'm truly feeling good today. Energetic, healthy and happy. I think I feel better than I have in a year and a half. Which is a long time.

I've been learning to let things go around the house, and realizing that my world isn't going to end if I don't vacuum up the dog hair every day or make sure that the laundry room floor is free of kitty footprints 100% of the time. It's a feeling of freedom.

In the end, I think that I was restricting myself. Maybe I can understand a little bit more about anorexia than I did before, only except for being food centered, I was clean centered. Not that I was obsessive compulsive about it, but I was more strict about it than I had any reason to be. The only people that have to be happy with the cleanliness of my house is myself and my husband. And I'm still pickier than he is! ;)

I've been really learning a lot scrapbooking with my Mom. I love being able to make and create something that is going to be so special to my family. That makes me feel wonderful too. I'm learning about my past and all kinds of details about the different things that have made me into being me. My history.

So that's a good thing. It's great to know your roots, don't you agree?

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