Happy New Year! - (2003-01-02, 10:05 a.m.)

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Busy busy busy.

My new years resolution is to excercise! My Mom got a treadmill, and I need to make time for that at least five times a week for as long as I can. Between that and eating better, I should be able to lose weight and feel better about myself. Which is really the most important thing, right? Of course. :)

I'm working on a new design for Valentines Day too. I hopefully will have it posted later this evening. It's really cute, and considering this one is a bit out of season now, I think it's time for a change.

I've been keeping super busy between work at my main job and work at the jewelery store. Gotta pay that ring off, you know? It's going to be soooo pretty when it's done. I would have really loved to have put a diamond in there instead of an alexandrite, but it's not even close to being in the budget.

For New Year's we spent time with my friend Missy and her husband Ben. They had a party at Missy's brother's house, and since they're like family, it was fantastic! I love their family. They've been so good to me for the last 15 years, and even though Hubby seems to be a bit overwhelmed with all her cousins and such, they welcomed him with open arms. :)

So that's the scoop.

Happy New Year, everyone!

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