Crash and Burn - (2002-12-06, 8:25 a.m.)

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Major system problems on my computer at home. Bad stuff. Possibly hard drive failure. Just what I needed before Christmas!

I was going to do a new Christmas design for my site, and not able to. I have a really cute idea too, and I'm not sure that I'll be able to get it done at all which stinks.

So, I guess I'll work some more on that tonight. Other than that, there's not much new news on the homefront. We had a reasonably relaxing night at home last night, which was nice for a change.

And just for the record, the guestbook is working people! It's been pretty lonesome lately. Go give me some love!

Not that I'll be able to read about it from home, but hopefully I'll be back up and running sometime this weekend.

Reinstalling XP and getting all my downloads, fonts, programs etc isn't going to be a whole lot of fun.

I got some more Christmas shopping done last night, and we have a pretty good idea of what we're going to get for who. So that's an accomplishment. :) Also, need to start working on Christmas cards. If you want to get one, email me your address, and I'll send one your way too.

That's all, I have to go get back to work.

Happy Friday!!!

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