Spaghetti and Chococat - (2002-09-17, 7:33 a.m.)

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Looks like I have some fixing to do tonight! (Thanks by the way!) Heh. If you haven't found the boo-boos, I'm not going to tell you either. :) There's just a couple.

So this whole "no overtime" thing at work is becoming a challenge. I already have 15 minutes of overtime this week and it's Tuesday morning...and I came in late! So this is going to be especially hard, as some of my mandatory meetings are being scheduled after my scheduled time. Looks like I could have a very short Friday!

I'm working on getting some graphics together for a design site, and have settled on using "Chococat" for my main design. He's just so cute! So after I get hers done and get more information from others that I'm working on, that's what I'm going to focus on. Some bright colors and lil' Chococat.

I made spaghetti last night for supper. I haven't done that in a super long time. It was delicious, and I had gotten this garlic bread at the grocery store that had so much butter on it...mmmmmm!

So, that's about all that's going on around here. Judging from my whole "one" guestbook message, not a whole lot is going on with anyone else either.

So what's new with you?

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