Designs and Ponytails - (2002-09-12, 8:57 a.m.)

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For my anniversary we went out for supper with my family at the local bar. Yeah, you could say that I was a bit disappointed.

I did however get flowers and a balloon sent to my office. :) I love flowers!!! They smell just fantastic.

I also am doing some more work on a template site. I think that I'm going to open one up. Simple designs to start with (obviously) but I want to get more complicated as time goes on. More playing with CSS and stuff. If anyone has any suggestions on sites to get graphics, fonts, or just general ideas the tips would be much appreciated. :) Name suggestions as well. I'm kind of stuck with that, and want something original.

I'm going to Wal-Mart tonight and getting a binder and some dividers, etc. so that I'll be able to organize what I need to get all this accomplished in a reasonable sort of manner. I crave organization!!! That's one of the reason that I'm good at my job. Heh.

Lots of people have already told me this morning that my hair looks cute. LOL I didn't do anything with it this morning but put it in a ponytail. Didn't wash it, didn't mess with it at all. Just a scrunchie. Ah well, I wanted to sleep in. :)

Happy Thursday!

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