What's Normal? - (2002-03-20, 7:56 a.m.)

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It's freaking snowing here today. We had a peaceful winter, and now that it's spring we're getting a Winter Weather Advisory. WTF is up with that?

This morning I even got snow in my Doc Martens. That is not a whole lot of fun, let me tell you.

Anyhow, I have one short rant that I need to get out of my system.

I work on a smaller account and there can only be two people gone at a time on vacation. The thing that really sucks the big one is that I only have bid one week. I find it very difficult to plan when or where I am going on vacation a year and a half in advance.

I just don't want to have to take days in the middle of the week for vacation whenever something is available rather than when I want to.

The good thing about this is that we are probably (99% sure) that we're getting the Very Large Airline.com website that is run by multiple airlines in this office. This is starting out at about 100+ jobs, working up to a total of 300+. Of course, I would want to be a supervisor, and I'm totally qualified to do so. So maybe my whole whine-fest is all for nothing as the problem will go away by itself. Who knows.

I feel funny today. I'm not sure how to describe it. Light headed for sure, but almost wired besides that. Hmmm...for the first time in months I didn't take a nap last night when I got home from work. That's a good thing though, right?

I'm not used to having a basis of comparison besides total exhaustion. I don't remember what "normal" is.

Dumb moment of the day: "so if I need an eticket reciept, I just click where it says eticket reciept?" Duh, you tell me. What do you think? Ugh... And trust me, then I don't want to hear about what a nightmare the exchange was for you. I don't care. Can you tell that I don't have a whole lot of patience today? *sigh*

I just want to know what normal is and feel that way again.

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