Whiners - (2002-03-14, 8:38 a.m.)

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You know what?

I hate whiners. I hate whiny customers. Why isn't the fare available anymore??? Um, because the ad that you're looking at is a few days old. You don't go to the store and bitch when their sale ended on Saturday on Monday and demand the discount price, do you?

Common sense. And don't tell me how much our website sucks or that it's not user friendly and that you like whatever.com so much more and you can use your back arrow on your browser there etc. because chances are I just really don't care.

Also, don't try to tell me that our website isn't working. It is. You just don't know how to use a computer.

In other news it sounds like our company is getting the bigwigs in again from VeryLargeTravelSite.com in again next week. We're talking about the possibility of around three hundred jobs here! That's wonderful, and it will also give me the opportunity for that promotion that I'm ready for. :)

Although I do have to say that right now I'm making more than a team leader on regular salary by about $3.00!

Hubby is really enjoying his spring break. Unfortunately I don't think that he's going to have time to put in the closet door in the bathroom like I wanted him to, but at least he got the kitchen carpet installed. It makes our house so much warmer it's just crazy.

Or maybe it's my imagination?

The cats love it though, they lay under the kitchen table and in the spot where our ductwork comes up close to the floor. When the heater is on it makes the floor all warm there and they just roll around with thier paws up in the air.

Anyhow, more stupid people are calling me. I must go get back on task I guess.

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