Death by Taxes - (2002-03-13, 11:43 a.m.)

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Gah! Two bad things today. First of all, I had another panic attack this morning. I am getting so sick of this shit I could just scream. The Paxil makes me feel like a human vibrator I'm so shaky and it's making it difficult to type! I came into work late today because I get so exhausted after a panic attack and I don't think that I got more than an hour or so of sleep last night because of all that twitching and vibrating.

Anyhow, the other bad thing is just frustrating. Our school district wants to spend $64 million dollars to knock down two schools, convert two others and build two more. OMG, the bussing problem is going to become a bussing nightmare.

We all voted on it last night, and the people that are for this huge property tax increase to raise money for the schools won.

It's not that I'm against education, it's the fact that in North Dakota they have the smallest budget in all 50 states. Traditionally the kids are extremely well educated when graduating from North Dakota schools.

For us in Minnesota, they have one of the larger budgets out of the 50 states and the quality of education isn't nearly as good as that of ND.

Number of dollars spent per student does not equal quality of education in my experience.

*sigh* The yeses only won by 220 votes.

I can just imagine the flames that I'm going to get on this entry too, but the fact is that our property tax for just our house is going up from around $250/year to well over $400.

The thing is we live in a rural community and there are a ton of farmers. Imagine the property tax increase they are going to be responsible for. The piece of land that we live on is five acres. The taxes now are around $1300/year. This is an estimate. I don't even want to think about how much they are going to go up.

Farmers generally have several tens of thousands of acres.

I can forsee paying $2.50 for a loaf of bread. And all the other things that we eat around here...potatoes, corn, soybeans, sugarbeets, barley, sunflower seeds, beef, buffalo meat, etc.

This just sucks. We pay a ton of taxes in MN anyhow, and then of course once the school project is completed they aren't going to reduce our taxes. God forbid. We've had a budget surplus for the past years, and they always find ways to spend it.

The thing is, there's nothing wrong with the schools that they're tearing down in the first place. They're perfectly functional. You don't tear down your house once you've lived there for 30 years or so (remodeling all the while) just because it doesn't suit you anymore, do you? Most people would call you crazy, wouldn't they?

This is the same deal. It's a good thing that I got that raise!

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