Sleep, food and dullness - (2002-03-11, 7:51 a.m.)

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I am super shaky today. I dropped the brand new carton of orange juice all over the floor! Of course Zeus (the dog) thought that was great, a free treat! I didn't know that dogs liked orange juice.

Work is going to be full of typos today, I can just tell.

Hubby started his spring break today. He has all kinds of projects that he wants to accomplish; finishing my homemade end table, washing both cars, fixing my pinstriping, possibly taking both cars into get the windows tinted, and God knows what else. He's a busy guy anyway, but I think he needs the break.

Unfortunately he has to go back to Guard on Tuesday because the weather was to crappy on Saturday for him to drive the 45 miles to the base. Oh well.

Did I mention that my raise takes effect today? Yay! 35% more money for me to spend or pay bills with! :) Hubby was just in disbelief when I told him that I was getting a raise. I honestly had no idea. And a bonus on top of that every month between 10-20%? I can handle that!

In other good news I appear to have lost about three pounds since I've started on my meds. I guess with all this shaking I'm really burning calories. LOL Seriously, I could stand to lose about 20 pounds, but I'm still within my Body Mass Index guidelines and I really like oh whatever.

Wow, I'm really boring today. *sigh*

I honestly tried to take a nap yesterday but I couldn't stop wiggling long enough to settle down and sleep. I even had one cat on each side with the third on my feet and I couldn't sleep.

Anyhow, I just don't have a lot to say today, so I'll stop here.

Everyone have a great day! :)

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