Random Randomness - (2002-03-07, 7:54 a.m.)

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Not a whole lot to discuss today.

Apparently me and Hubby have been nominated to take care of homeland security by MG for when she takes over. :)

Oh yes, and hello to all those that got here from my banner. Pull up a chair and make yourselves at home. We're all friends here.

Anyhow, I went home yesterday after work and slept for about an hour...and then went to bed at 8:30 PM and slept until 5:30 AM this morning! My body has no excuse to tell me that it's tired, even if I didn't sleep solidly through the night.

Hubby ended up closing the kitchen last night at work, so he didn't get home until after midnight, and obviously I was asleep. I miss him when I don't get to see him all day. Even if he's just in the house it helps.

However this means that he has tonight off. YAY! So he's going to work on cleaning the house up a bit more as J is supposed to get into town about 8:00 PM tonight. I spoke to J briefly last night and he is looking forward to the trip a lot. We haven't seen him since our wedding which was about three years ago, so I'm sure that the guys will have a lot to catch up on.

And of course a lot of beer to drink!

J considers me like his little sister, and I can't say that I mind. It's great to have someone care about you like that. Him and Hubby have been friends since they were little kids and were stationed together over in Okinawa, Japan. Of course they were rowdy over there, but it seems that both of them have settled down a bit. Age has a tendency to do that to you.

When I was in college I think there was one night that I went to bed before midnight. Of course that excludes when I had mono, but nevertheless there's no way that I could pull that off now at the age of 26. I would simply pass out on my desk at work! I would wake up with a keyboard texture on my face or something. That actually sounds pretty funny, but it's true!

This from the person that said she went to bed at 8:30 PM last night. LOL Oh man!

Oh well, I suppose that I should get back to work. If I have time later today I'll start my 101 things about myself. That's just an interesting idea and I've learned a lot about others by reading them. I'm way past my 101st entry, but that's okay.

I hope everyone has a good day!

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