Stupid Hooker - (2001-12-29, 2:55 p.m.)

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Yes! I have almost tamed the laundry monster already! That's pretty early for me on a weekend. The house is clean and picked up, and Hubby is finally home from work.

The last chore of the day is going to be putting away our Christmas presents. They are spread out all over the guest room because I got sick of looking at them in the living room.

I'm tired today. Prolly because I stayed up until 2:30 AM last night! That's the lastest I've been up in a long time.

Oh, guess who we saw at the Comedy Club last night? Hubby's ex-boss's hooker-manager! Yep, hooker was there with her "boyfriend." Ugly S.O.B if I do say so myself. He looks like a ape! Anyhow, I was proud of myself for managing not to trip stupid-hooker as she walked by me and not tell her boyfriend "Hey, did you know that she performs sexual favors for her boss? They go watch porno together for a four hour lunch at least once a week!" I would have loved to see his reaction! I'm such a snot. But I think I have a right to be.

I'm going to go play the Sims some more. It's like playing God, and I'm having fun with it. Guess that says something about me, doesn't it? ;)
I almost forgot. I got another google, "never dated late bloomer." LOL Wonder what that person thought when they got here?

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