Stuff & Things - (2001-12-28, 10:55 a.m.)

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My girlfriend Heidi cracks me up. She called me here at work this morning because she lost my home phone number. I've never gotten a personal call in the year and three months that I've worked here! She was so embarassed, it was cute. Not that this is interesting to anyone else but me, but you's my diary!

I think I am getting hooked on the Sims. I really had a good time with it last night. Maybe I like playing God with them, I don't know. :)

Hubby was out in the shop all evening working on the end table that he is making me for our anniversary. What a sweetie. It's so pretty and he was going to start staining it tonight. So much better than that pre-fabricated crap that you find these days at the furniture store that isn't really wood, it just looks like it. Besides, handmade is just so much more special than something that you just go out and buy.

There's just not all that much going on around here today. I have lots of stuff to do this weekend. Mostly returns on the gifts that didn't fit or were duplicated. I'm going to Barnes & Noble with Holly this weekend to take care of all those books, and then go to Wasted Acres (our local mall) and get some more jeans. I was to lazy to go last night, and just plain old tired.

Since there's not a whole lot else to talk about here, I'll quit boring all of you! There's just not a lot going on around here lately.

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