So Sleepy... - (2001-12-26, 3:22 p.m.)

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Well the Christmas spirit has certainly disappeared for travelers today! I don't think that I've been hung up on so many times in one day before! Ugh, some people can be so rude between swearing at their agent and verbal harassment, it's just almost to much! Unbelievable.

Then they get all mad about the rules of their fare, um...a $100 change fee is standard airline policy (not just for _____ Airlines) plus fare difference, and with everything being so booked up, people are looking at thousands of dollars to change their reservations just to get away from Aunt Mable a few days earlier. Go figure, you should have planned better!

Christmas was good at the Katress household. We did a lot of running between all three parents' houses on Christmas Eve and Christmas day. Our families obviously don't communicate...I got three copies of one book and two of another! That just cracked me up though. At least they were sure that I was going to get those books! They think I'm the biggest bookworm and they are RIGHT!

Hubby is working on finishing up my hand made coffee table. It's so pretty, I can't wait to get it in my living room! He broke (bad with secrets) and told me that he is making me a matching end table for our anniversary on 12/31. Three years...that's a while. It seems like yesterday that we got married.

Anyhow, a very prosperous year was had by all, and my parents and his parents spoiled us completely rotten again. Everyone loved the handmade gifts that I made for them. I have some inspiration for next year too! Tenrec's brownies sounded like a good idea, I know some people around here would like them! :)

When I get home from work I am going to read my book and leisurely fall asleep with my cats draped on my legs and head. Yes, the one on my head would be Homer, Mr. Codependent. :)

Hope that you have a cozy night planned too. I need to go over my Christmas list too and cross out that which I got! :)

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