Mmmmm, Breakfast! - (2001-12-24, 8:17 a.m.)

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The hair color turned out beautifully, thanks for asking! :) My husband even likes it, and he doesn't like redish color! On me, at least...but he says that this looks nice!

Today at work my boss has brought in a ton of food and she is cooking us breakfast. Hasbrowns, eggs, french toast, the works. She said that she wants us to know how much she appreciates us for being so flexible on a small account. That's pretty cool, and we certainly didn't expect it. We do stuff like that for her because she is good to us anyhow. Bribes with food are accepted though!

It's going to be a whirlwind Christmas for us this year. We are spending tonight and tomorrow morning with my parents, lunch tomorrow with Hubby's Mom and Step-dad, and the afternoon and supper with Hubby's Dad and Step-mom. Places to go and things to give, you know?

I'm off to eat my yummy breakfast! :)

Merry Christmas everyone. :)

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