New Color - (2001-12-23, 11:01 a.m.)

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I've been productive so far today! I cleaned up the kitchen after our domino tournament last night and started laundry and colored my hair! I'm excited to see how it turns out, more of a warb red/brown shade this time. Unfortunately I've been going grey since I was sixteen, and I am so not ready for that.

I also watched Spongebob Squarepants this morning, oh yes I did. I think I have found a new favorite tv show. Thanks Amy!

I'm in one of those moods today. A very goofy one.

I started working on a collage of my lovely lady friends of the Ladies World Domination and Book Club last night. It is turning out so beautifully! I'm going to put the finishing touches on it today and then hang it up in the office.

I still have to finish wrapping presents too, over at Mom's house. I just didn't get to it yeseterday! To much stuff going on, and a nap that needed to be taken. :)

Well, I had better go get busy...more later.

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