Future housing plans - (2001-12-22, 1:20 p.m.)

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I am such a lazy bum today. I still have to tackle the laundry monster and finish cleaning the house, but I jsut don't have the ambitioin to. I would much rather sit here and dink around on d-land.

By the way, thanks for all your kind words in the guestbook yesterday. I kind of felt like I was going out on a limb writing about such a touchy subject, but I felt like I needed to. Sometimes stuff just gets out of hand and it pisses me off. Where better to have a good vent than in your diary? You betcha.

Hubby is back at work this morning/afternoon still training. He says that he likes it, so that's good. He liked what he was doing before of course, but working for such a jerk can make a great job a miserable one.

Last night us and the parents went out to eat and then drove around for about two hours looking at Christmas lights. There are so many patriotic displays this year, it was simply beautiful. We went through some of the upper-class neighborhoods in town and just drooled over some of the houses. I did anyhow. Somehow my little house just feels so small compared to those. Of course I live in a single wide, but some day it will make a beautiful lake home for the weekends!

It's all a master plan, you see? We live on my parent's property and pay "lot rent" by taking care of the property (five acres) for them. I don't know, it seems to be working out more beneficial for us though, Mom just called and asked us over for a roast tonight! :)

So when Hubby graduates from college and I've had the chance to climb a little further up the ladder at work we will start building our own house. Our mortgage is just tiny (even though it's a new house) and we can live here until our house-house is built...and then buy a piece of lake property and move this right out there! Voila, instant weekend retreat! :) Good planning, right? Right! It's plenty of space for right now, and a LOT cheaper than an apartment. You can't even rent a single bedroom around here for what we pay in mortgage. And it's mine. I can do whatever I want and I have no neighbors.

Wow, this entry is kind of all over the place isn't it? Oh well.

I still think you should go take a look at this. Too funny.

I had better get back to cleaning and laundry. Jealous, aren't you? ;)

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