I needed to say this... - (2001-12-21, 10:43 a.m.)

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I just have one thing to cover in this entry...it's something that has been bothering me and going around in my head over the past day or so, and I felt that I needed to give my input.

Diaryland is a great outlet for the diarist's feelings. However it is very important to remember that what you may write about other diarists could and often is read by them.

I am not naming names here because it is not important who is saying what about who, it's just all unnecessary to write nasty things about each other.

If someone says something that you find offensive, tell them about it if you feel you must. But for God's sake, don't call them names and write nasty things about them in your own diary and tell all your friends to go leave them rude notes/guestbook comments. That is very immature and if in fact the first person did the same to you it makes you no better than them in my book, no matter what your excuse.

The mature thing to do is take your problem to the source person, not blast them all over the place.

The only thing that being nasty does is bring others' opinions of yourself down. Not to mention all the bad karma that you send out that is always returned in full!

I know d-land is full of younger people. Some who act like teens, some teens that act older than myself. Mia is one of the most mature people that I've ever had the pleasure of reading. She is anything but common. She is also 19, and a fantastic Mommy.

I am not writing this to hurt anyones' feelings, I just think that d-land should be a happy place, and this does not make me happy and has hurt some of those that I care about.

At any rate, I now consider the matter closed. I don't want to be affiliated with any negativity in d-land. That is not what I am here for, and if you don't like what you read here, you are free to click that little "x" up in the corner of your browser and shut me up. That's fine. It's a free world and I am not forcing you to read this.

Thanks for your time and patience. If you feel the need to respond to this in the guestbook, please do so.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled program. :)

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