Brother-In-Law - (2001-12-19, 7:55 a.m.)

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Oh man, when it rains it pours. Got an email from my Sister-In-Law, and it seems as BIL is in some funky Middle-Eastern country with the rest of the USAF special forces. *sigh* This is just not what we needed as a family right now. I hope that at least he got our presents that we sent him.

She said that he's with a great group of guys and not to worry, but I just can't help it. For God's sake, he teaches anti-terrorism to USAF Special Forces, but I'm still worried. I just can't help it. Everything is just to much right now.

Hubby kind of hurt my feelings last night, I'm not even sure that he's aware that he did. I've done all this Christmas shopping for everyone (including him) and have everything all wrapped up with a couple of exceptions. Last night he asks me "so, what do you want for Christmas?" Excuse me? I only have a whole list that apparently he's given out to friends and family, but I guess he hasn't bought anything for me yet. Shallow of me I know, but it still hurt.

You know how much of a geek I am? I've been thinking of starting a diary for my cats. Another cat has one and I just thought it was the cutest thing. Besides, it would give me a chance to practice all my new html skills and make some use of those new books that I hope to get for Christmas. :) Just a thought.

Before I forget, check this link out. Send some love to those that are overseas and are not fortunate enough to spend the holidays with their families. Thanks. :)

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