The Electronic Ticket - (2001-11-08, 8:25 p.m.)

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I almost forgot to add this.

The funniest thing happened at work today. I swear, some people just don't need to have access to a computer. This guy called up and was very upset because he was issued an electronic ticket for his reservation on _________ Airlines. You know what he said?

"What do you expect me to do, take my computer with me to the airport??? It's to big for that! It's not like I have a laptop! How the hell are you supposed to use an eticket without it???"

As he hung up on the poor agent that was trying to explain what an eticket was, she said that he was cussing up a storm. What an idiot! You see lots of people at the airport every day, lugging their computers around, don't you?

There were a few agents that were laughing so hard they looked like they were almost ready to wet their pants. :D

Life is never dull when you work customer service.

Now that I'm back on the phone and not training other employees so much anymore, I'm sure that I'll have a whole lot more of this type of stuff to write about. It's too funny sometimes. You just want to tell customers "unplug your computer, put it back in the box and send it back because you are too incompetent to own it!"

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