An interview - (2001-11-08, 5:46 p.m.)

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Today has been a mixture of good and bad. I'll give the bad news first:

Regarding Bea, as I had discussed a few entries ago, well, she's not doing so hot. I've gotten her up to a 75% on her tests, but she needed a 90% to keep her job. She's gotten kind of argumentative when I correct her sheets and tests...and I just don't appreciate it. :/

So her and the Manager and the Account Manager had a meeting today and I think they told her that "that's it, you've had two solid weeks of training and you are still not having the retention, so you need to go into another field. Travel does not suit you." You could see her yelling at them through the glass of the meeting room window.

At least I know that I did all that I could to help her save her job. I hope she's there when I go in tomorrow, and in some ways I don't. She just pisses off the customers, as her incompetence is so evident. To be brutally honest, I hope that when I call someplace for assistance I don't get an employee like her that just doesn't know crap. It's such a catch-22.

And now for the GOOD NEWS!

I got a message today that the company that I am thinking about working for wants to interview me! YAY! I'm pretty excited, especially being that I know that they will show me the money. I was making about $15/hr. (with my bonuses) for ________ Airlines, and now I'm down to $9.50/hr. Um...I have bills, people. That's not going to pay my mortgage! Hubby and I aren't in debt, except for the normal stuff--car loans, a little bit of school loans and a mortgage--but still. Ugh.

So I'm going to call her back tomorrow to set up an interview. Associate Technical Support Engineer Katress. How does that sound? Pretty fancy! My philosophy is the longer and fancier your job title, the better the pay. :D It will be a big step up from a Customer Care Associate. Engineer. Wow. I'm excited. Can you tell???

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