HELP! - (2001-11-04, 9:43 a.m.)

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Okay, I need some advice.

Hubby and I have been using Morpheus to download music, and at first it was working perfect. Lately, we have not been able to get a connection to save our lives! I don't know if Morpheus doesn't play well with WinProxy, or "hiccups" to much for the satellite internet or what. So I need to know where else would be a good source for some music.

You see, I am addicted to music. I love it, and usually have it on--unless Hubby is sleeping like he is right now! :) The reason that I don't have many choices listed in my favorites is that it's just to hard for me to choose favorites. I would need about 25 spots! We must have about 400 CDs between the two of us. Every time I go to Best Buy, I see all these new CDs that I must go home and download! But lately the downloading thing hasn't been going so smoothly, so I'm looking for recommendations on another source.

So please drop me a note or sign my guestbook with suggestions. I would really appreciate it.

Thanks!!! *mwah*

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