No drunk drivers here! - (2001-11-03, 9:33 a.m.)

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Hubby teases me that d-land is becoming an obsession for me. :) Maybe he's partially right, it does take some of my time. Like now, I should be cleaning my house but I'm not. hehehe I also need to go get my car from in town. Had too many drinks to go get it last night. Naughty me.

I just don't drive after two drinks. Won't do it, won't let anyone else do it. Strict personal rule. Kinda hard sometimes, especially when a cab ride home is not an option. We live too far out in the country, but I wouldn't trade it. I've lost too many friends to drunk drivers.

Last night one of my best friends from college had a little party at one of the local bars. I do miss her a lot, and found out that she transferred grad schools! Instead of being four hours away, she's only now about an hour away! Hubby and I are going to go up to visit her VERY soon. We had an awful lot of fun in college. :)

Also, wanted to provide a link to a fantastic perspective on war, terrorism and Osama bin Laden. This guy is my new hero! :)

Anyway, better go clean the house. Yuck.

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