A new template! - (2001-10-20, 4:14 p.m.)

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Ooohhh, I'm so excited!

The proprietress of Astralounge has been working on a new web design for me. She said that she was opening up new diaries on diaryland one day just so that she could make templates for them, so I emailed her and asked if she would be so kind as to help me out. And guess what? She is. Her design is great, very suited to my personality. So of course I am looking forward to getting this going.

I am also thinking about asking to be reviewed by diaryland, just to see how I do. Hmmm...something to think about. Why do I feel the need to be validated??? I'm such a geek.

I went to get a massage this morning, and he rubbed my EARS! That felt really extraordinarily good, nobody's ever rubbed my ears before. I would have never thought. :)

Tonight Hubby and some friends of ours are going to the comedy club. We always have a great time there, and it's really not that expensive. $7/person, and then beers/drinks are pretty cheap. Hubby got heckled by the host AND the female commedian that was there last week. It was pretty funny, and of course he was a good sport. The host was kind of surprised, because Hubby is kind of a big guy, and he was flirting (the host, not Hubby) with myself and another girlfriend at my table, and when Hubby came back, the host says "Oh shit, I guess I had better just shut up now, he's a big guy! I can just see it in the lobby after the show, I'm laying on the floor and this dude is kicking me saying 'it's not funny, fat boy!'" A riot.

Anyhow, better go get supper started so that I can start getting ready to go.

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