Parker Problems - (2001-10-15, 7:17 p.m.)

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Not a very good day today. Started out great...went to the gym, and found out that I really have only gained 2 lbs, and no body fat. Which I assume means that I have worked myself into 2 extra lbs of muscle. :)

This afternoon my Mom had to bring her dog to the vet, he was crying and walking on three legs. Turns out that he has fractured one of his legs, they think that he has bone cancer, and they doubt that they would be able to fix his leg, and suggested either putting the dog down or amputation.

My Mom and Dad's dog is almost golden anyhow, with regards to the vet bills. He has allergies so badly that he gets shots once a week. He has skin problems, from the allergies of course, and gets a lot of lumps that need to be removed.

So I guess I'm just kind of down right now. I mean, it's like Mom's only kid that she has left at home, right? Just a bad deal all around.

Hubby has just a ton of homework tonight too, so I think I'm going to take a long hot shower and just go to bed and relax, get plenty of zzzs before I start my week off again tomorrow.

He's seriously thinking about joining the Air Force Reserve unit they have in town, and financially speaking, it would really be stupid not to. $5,000 bonus for pre-enlisted sign without tax, $350/month G.I. bill "kicker", student loan reimbursement etc. etc. He would have to go to school next summer and be gone for about four months. I can handle that. I would miss him and stuff, but I can deal with it. For God's sake, we got married, and then I stuck him back on a plane like four days later, didn't see him for two months! LOL Somehow we made it through that, and fortunately we don't have kids that we would have to explain this whole deal to.

Anyhow, off to the shower. I'm tired, but maybe it's just the weather and the circumstance. Poor Parker dog. :/ But what else can we do???

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