A bad day at work - (2001-10-10, 6:21 p.m.)

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Okay, I am aggravated today. PMS alert, customers watch out! ;)

I just get so freaking sick of stupid questions at work, today I just about screamed!

Customer: can you just stay with me? Don't hang up, I don't think I can navigate this myself!

Okay, if you need help on the internet, I suggest that you take a freaking community college class! It's not that tough, and I frankly am not paid to sit here and guide you through starting up a browser (what's a browser??? My favorite is...do you click on a little blue "e" to get on the internet? I actually have to ask this) finding a site and booking an airline ticket on the web. That's why we have GENERAL RESERVATIONS! And I am certainly not going to do it for you. That's why ________ Airlines created a damned website for! If you want me to hold your hand, buy me a plane ticket out to see you, and you can pay my wage for a week and I'll work with you a few hours a day on how the internet works. And I am FAR FAR FAR from a genius at it.

Customer: Yeah, how do these email tickets work?

Okay, first of all they are ELECTRONIC tickets, not email tickets. The airline cannot send ticketing stock (that official looking stuff like they have at the airport) to your printer, nor can they install a ticket printer at your house, which is needed to print out a ticket. You are sent a purchase confimration email, and your reservation is stored in the computer system at the airlines. They are always there. No mistakes, no exceptions. Sabre Reservation system and Apollo Reservation systems are wonderful things.

Customer: Yeah, I was online a week ago and I found this great fare, and I was wondering why I can't find it now. It's for travel this week.

You dumb ass, have you heard of advance purchase? I would recommend whenever purchasing a ticket try to get at least a 21 day advance purchase (are you listening Jezebel33? :) )so that you can get the loweset fare available, and for God's sake, if you don't book it when you see a low fare, I can guarantee it will be gone and there is not a single thing on this earth that can get it back for you.

Also, this deal with e-tickets not being accepted? Bunch of bull. E-tickets are the only way to go...for several reasons. You can't lose them, I know most Lost Ticket Application fees are about $100-$200, which is actually not out of line when you look at the manpower hours that go into recovery of these stupid things. Also, if you have schedule changes, which everyone has been doing a whole lot lately, all an agent has to do is fix your flights to what you want them to be and you don't have to go all the way out to the airport to have them re-printed, which also by the way drives airline prices up for everyone. You think FedEx is cheap? Nope, sends our costs through the roof. That and the ticket printer, the ticket stock, agents to send all that shit out, etc. etc. etc.

Here's another insider tip: usually if you can find a lower fare for the same outbound and return flight(s) that you originally booked, I know that our company will give you the difference back if you call us and point it out. We'll do an exchange and then send you vouchers in the mail for the difference. Pretty cool, right? Not if you have paper tickets. You can't have that money back then!

There, I think I feel better now. Just a long hard day at work, and I just needed to vent. Thanks for listening! :)

Also, Jezebel, the best fare that I could find for what you were looking for was $130 on US Airways. But I'll keep looking. :)

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