A day home sick - (2001-10-09, 2:20 p.m.)

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I am home sick today.

If you want happy reading, click "previous" at the bottom of the page, because I'm just not feeling all that great right now.

I hate being sick. I have the worst immune system since when I was little the doctor kept telling my Mom to feed me antibiotics...and the wonderful result was an immune system that depends entirely on antibiotics. Wonderful. I once took three rounds of heavy duty antibiotics to get rid of a stupid sinus infection that I had for three months. Yuck.

Anyhow, I think this whole deal is simply due to exhaustion, work and personal both. Plus a little virus built into the picture, love those little cold bugs. There's not much than I hate more than a sore throat.

We have been busier at work than ever, as far as I can tell, there are no travelers that are slowing down. Our flights on ______ Airlines are almost always sold out, at least it seems that way. Our calls have been at such a high volume that it's just making everyone crazy. Too much to handle, day after day.

Anyhow, I'm going to go take a Johnson's Vaporizing Baby bath. I love that stuff. It's fantastic, and hopefully it will help my head unplug and soothe my achy muscles.

Wish me well. Literally, I guess. :)

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