A Great Friend - (2001-09-29, 11:01 p.m.)

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So, here I sit this evening after having a few drinks with one of my oldest friends.

I think it's pretty spectacular to be able to call someone your "best friend" for 12 years. I know her whole family...and they know me well too. I can't really remember any part of my life that hasn't included her or a part of her family.

I call her Mom "Mom" and her Dad "Dad" and love her cousins and uncles and brother and sister and just everyone like my own family. I don't have a large family, but I feel like I do, as I have been adopted into hers.

I introduced her and her husband. I always told her "Mis, he really likes you!" even from the time that they were introduced. I guess since they got married that's about one of the only things in my life that I can actually say "I told you so" about. :)

Really, she is very special to me, and I just hope that she reads this and understands how much I value her friendship. I am always honored to be invited to her family functions.

Had a great time tonight, a bonfire and a couple of beers and good company.

The husband, of course, is down waiting to attend his third NFL game of the year. Yes, there have only been three, as of tomorrow, and I hope that he doesn't think we can afford to continue to buy his tickets. Due to my salary cut (not unusual in the airline industry, in case you haven't read my last entries...I'm just glad I still have a JOB!) we just cannot afford to send him every weekend at $100/tkt. I wish that I could, but it's just not in the budget. Unless we want to sell the house and live in a cardboard box, that is! ;)

Anyhow, I must be getting old as I took a nap unintentionally on the couch after work, and it's only 11pm and I'm still tired as hell. Either that or I just am used to getting up at 5:30am now. Yuck! I hate mornings!

Anyhow, more tomorrow I'm sure. I MUST get those flower bulbs in the ground before it's to late to do it! If only I didn't have 300 or so to still plant...


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