Quick Update - (2007-02-02, 11:34 a.m.)

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I feel badly that I've been neglecting writing here. When you work 60 hours a week and spend the rest of your time either recovering or with the boyfriend, things just don't seem to get done the way they used to.

I have today off from both jobs (yay!) and am busy cleaning the house. I haven't had much of a chance to do that lately, but since I'm rarely here it doesn't get dirty. Except for the occasional hairball and pet shedding, the house is relatively clean. Hah!

I finally got paid from Workman's Comp (may they all rot in hell), it only took a month and a half...but guess what I bought with some of my back pay??

A new washer and dryer!

Front loaders that are stacked and so freaking quiet that I can't hardly hear that they're running when I'm in the bedroom, which is right next to the laundry room. So yeah, I'm digging them. Highly recommended!!!

I also have a new Smed mix from Christmas that I got in the mail that I've been rocking out to in the SuV. That Smed, boy, he's quite the mixmaster! I'm totally loving his Christmas mix, even if it is February. It's been snowy (finally) and doggone cold here. Our high for tomorrow is supposed to be around -10 degrees F. Yuck. Wish I didn't have to work!

Other than that, things are going quite well. Just busy.

I suppose I had better get back to cleaning the house and quit procrastinating, eh?

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