Aftermath - (2004-04-29, 11:29 a.m.)

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I had a really weird dream the other night. Most of the time dreams fade from my mind, but this one has not.

I dreamed that there was a black cat who's "person" was a man, and the man would hold and snuggle her. She would purr...this was all in a yellow colored room. Pretty soon the man started to ignore the cat, and then soon after that he was kicking the cat.

Prophetic, right? Ugh.

That dream really bothers me.

T met me after my counseling appointment the other day and we proceeded to talk for an hour. About all kinds of things. I guess he is going to go to counseling and answer some of the questions that he has (what they are I don't know) and then we're going to go to couples counseling.

His words were "well, if you think it will help you..." and then "well, if you think it will help me..."

I just don't know what he wants. He says he will be single and that he can't give his heart to me anymore, but he hasn't tried either, has he?

So many people are telling me to just get out, divorce HIM rather than wait for him to divorce me, but I just can't. "Kat it's going to cost you more heartache in the long run!"

It's my decision, I have to make it on my own. No other influence. I still love him, and I have been able to forgive him for the things that he did to me.

I hope that he is able to do the same for me.

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