Beau and Daisy--No cracks about the Dukes! - (2003-12-09, 12:33 p.m.)

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So.   There is another member of our household.  We decided to make another adoption because the chances of Calvin coming home at this point are slim...even though we miss him an awful lot.

Here's our new baby:

His name is Beau.  He's 16 months old, and he's already Daddy's boy.  He loves Hubby big time, snuggles with him and jumps up, puts his paws on his shoulders and licks him on the face.  He came from a home where he was loved an awful lot, but he didn't have the room to run that he needed.  300 Square feet of space isn't enough room for a big boy.  So we have five acres, and he and Daisy have a wonderful time outside.  Here's a more recent photo of Daisy:

You can see that she's gotten a little chubby since Calvin left.  Hopefully Beau will help her get rid of some of that pudge, and since they have such a wonderful time together outside, they will be best buddies too.  I will have to post a video of them running around outside together, it's just pure joy to watch them as they have so much fun!

The couple that we adopted them from we actually had them in obedience school--us with Calvin and them with Beau.  So we remembered who they were and they knew who we were.  We have plans for them to come out this weekend and see the puppies play.  I know that it  was an awfully hard decision to give Beau up--but he is pretty happy out here and seems to have adjusted pretty well rather quickly.  I know he misses his "other" people though too even though he obviously has bonded with us already.

But he's awfully sweet and cute, and fits our household just perfectly.  :)  Isn't he just adorable???

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