Bah! No Monitor! - (2003-10-13, 1:17 p.m.)

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Stupid monitor died. Must get a new one. The time on this computer that I'm using isn't correct even, but eh.

I'm getting the same type of monitor from NewEgg so that should be here soon.

I miss reading my email and surfing! Not to mention trying to catch up on what everyone is up to. I never realized how much I loved being connected at home, until my monitor died. *sob*

Sorry, just being a little dramatic here.

The new job continues to go wonderfully, thanks for asking those that have. I'm loving it and my days just fly by! I just wish that I didn't have so many freaking errands to do today...

I managed to clean my house, shampoo the carpets and the living room furniture and wash curtains this weekend, so that's progress. Now if I could just get it to stay that way, life would be easy!

So, I had planned on uploading all the afghan pics that I had promised this weekend, but of course not being able to use my own computer and having to use Hubby's that makes it kinda tough when I can't get to the pictures!

I promise, I will when I get the chance!

Happy Monday!

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