Weekend Updates - (2003-03-28, 12:04 p.m.)

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Just a quick update as I have a TON of stuff to do today at work...

Turns out that her husband has pleurissy. I'm not sure how to spell that, but it's something that is fixable with treatment and painkillers. He was in ICU overnight again last night, and I haven't gotten any updates from her yet today.

I plan on spending my weekend in a relaxing fashion--clean the house that isn't all that messy, laundry and scrapbooking on Hubby's Marine Corps scrapbook. I have a ton of pictures to still scan, but I should be able to get some of that stuff done tonight. I want to sit down and watch a movie too, as that's something that I really enjoy and haven't had a chance to do lately.

For God's sake, I also need to get going on our own website! I've been planning on doing that for a month now, and just haven't gotten around to it. Hopefully I'll have time to start on that this weekend.

At least all the things that I have to do are things that I enjoy (except for the housecleaning and the laundry). So I'm looking forward to my weekend.

The weather is finally starting to shape up around here also. Finally!!! So perhaps I'll get some stuff done outside. It's not a priority, but it's something that if I get to it, I get to it.

Have a fantastic Friday!

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