Dreams and Medication - (2003-01-30, 6:51 a.m.)

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Sorry no entry yesterday. To busy uploading images to the new site/server thingy. Almost done, maybe even done tonight! I doubt that I'll get everything posted, but I really want to start doing something else other than being on the computer all night again. Not that I don't enjoy making designs, I just want to be doing that again rather than the old image shuffle. At least the new host that I'm using is pretty fast. :)

So we have a work meeting today. Since someone out there has copy and pasted my boss in on what I say here, I'm not going to go into it all that much (shame on you still, don't you have anything better to do???) suffice to say that apparently there are some "problems" between team members that need to be aired out.

I guess I thought things were okay, but apparently someone has a problem with me being gone for two weeks in December.

That person has no idea about what depression can do to someone. I was hardly able to get out of bed, much less out of the house--the medication that I was taking was making me lethargic and nauseous all the time. I've been on six different medications and variations of said medications in the past year. I'm reaching my one year of diagnosis soon--February 6th 2002 and am not having panic attacks anymore, but I'm still taking my meds.

Currently I take 150 mg of Effexor and 50 mg of Zoloft. I had been trying not to take the Zoloft, but when I don't I get weird dreams. Like really freaky abnormal stuff. And nightmares. Which of course are always wonderful. Last night I took my Zoloft again before bed and didn't have any freaky dreams, but Homer-cat knocked my water glass of the nightstand not once but TWICE! So I was up with that. I don't know why he thinks the water in my glass is so much better than what's in his clean water bowl as it's the same stuff poured at the same time. Go figure. Maybe it's the challenge that he's after. ???

So it should prove to be an interesting day to say the least. I'm kind of nervous about the meeting as I'm always concerned that I'm doing something to piss someone off, but on the other hand I almost don't care if I am as I've been working my ass off at work and trying to have a very positive attitude about everything which always makes my days go by faster and more fun.

On a completely different note, Hubby is in the process of building a computer again for a co-worker. He wasn't able to get it to power up last night and this morning he tells me that he was dreaming about it and apparently he has solved the problem in his dream.

Isn't he just so cute?

Anyhow, time to motivate! Lots to do today.

Happy Thursday!

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