My dog is an attack dog, in a sense... - (2001-11-01, 6:29 p.m.)

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Well, I think Bea is getting it. She seems happier, and we have covered a lot of ground in two days. I think I just might be a hero. :D

Hubby is feeling better tonight, except for the fact that that our Rather Large German Shepherd (tm) ran right between his legs...right into, you guessed it, the family jewels. He came in the house and collapsed. I laughed, but honestly felt pretty badly about it.

He's a heck of a guard dog, (Zeus that is, not hubby) but if you came to our house with a ball, he would totally beg to become your friend. As long as you play catch with him you are a Good Person. Good People don't get barked at. LOL He's a piece of work. 80 some pounds, and about 7 months old. He's going to be a monster!

Anyhow, I'm going to go watch Friends. I love Friends. It's one of the only non History Channel/Learning Channel/Discovery Channel shows that I watch on a regular basis. :)

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