Anorexic Diary find - (2001-10-29, 5:20 p.m.)

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Another day, another couple of dollars. My boss's boss sent me an e-thank you card. It basically said thanks for staying late on Friday. Here's the part that blows me away. "Your dedication amazes me." Show me that in my paycheck, please! LOL

It was a slow day at work today. I ran across a new diary that really disturbs me. Look up this.

This girl is totally messed up. She admits to taking triple her anti-depressants, barfing up her meals and basically thinking that "reality" for women is Kate Moss. Hello? Not reality. Those women starve themselves. The 130 lbs. that she claims to weigh is not overweight, unless you are like 4'8".

I just wish that she had a guestbook or something, I would tell her to get help. Kinda reminds me of that diary that Amy found a week or so back. How sad that we run across these things just randomly. Even worse that this girl doesn't realize how bad she's being to her body, and obsessing over weight at what, age 14? Just not a good pattern to start out in.

I went to the gym today, to try to lose weight the healthy way. Still at 151 lbs. Oh well. I want muscle too, and like J2 said, that weighs more than fat! I just want to fit back into my size 10s. :)

Anyhow, leave me a note and show me that you like me! (I'm having one of those days) :)

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