Halloween Party tonight! - (2001-10-27, 4:41 p.m.)

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Hi D-landers!

Last night we went to see a comedian. I didn't think he was that funny. Of course I don't think making fun of others is funny, and it seems like that was his whole routine. Making fun of audience members. He was like 500 lbs. so I'm thinking that it was a self-esteem thing. I am still annoyed with the whole situation. I can't believe that I payed $7 to go be insulted like junior high schoolers do! Hello, grow up. You're not freakin' funny. Grrr...

So tonight my parents are having a Halloween party. They have gone all out with the decorations, my Mom made ghosts, and all these plastic bugs and stuff. They are going to have their house just decked out! It will be so cute.

I'm going to the party as a Marine-Sgt. Hubby, to be exact. I got some face paint and everything, I just need to do my hair all up, as the Military Regulation hair for women is not touching the shoulders, and if bound the rubberbands/hair clips/whatever cannot be visible. Not to many choices, should be pretty easy to figure out.

What's really funny is that Hubby is going as bin Laden-the black beard and everything. So I'm going to get a gun and halfway through the evening murder him. :) It should be funny.

So that's about it for today. Went to Wal-Mart today and spent over $100. That's so easy to do. Oh well, I got a bonus at work (gasp!) from August and September, so that will cover it. What a puny bonus though. I got screwed because they were basing it off my old account's stats. Yuck.

Happy Halloween! *mwah*

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