What's the plug for on your car? - (2008-01-31, 6:08 p.m.)

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It's cold up around here. Damned cold.

I've also been sick. Damned sick!

I missed a week of work - great way to burn up the PTO that I get by being sick. That just sucked big time. I can't ever remember a time in my adult life where I've ever been so sick, but go figure. Mom wasn't kidding when she said that it was a bad flu!!!

Being that it's this cold, it reminded me of a fun story.

Being from here, we take it for granted that cars have block heaters in it. In fact, that was one of the things that I asked before I bought my new Ford Escape - "Does it have a block heater?" Every car around here must have one or when it gets this cold, they're probably not going to start. The other day, during an 8 hour workday most co-worker's cars didn't start.

Trust me, the parking lot looks pretty funny when everyone is getting their cars jump started!

Anyhow - having a block heater means that you have an electrical plug hanging out from somewhere on the front of your car. The Explorer's is retractable all fancy style, but the Escape's just kind of hangs there a few inches from the lower valance on the front end.

When I moved out to Washington DC, I had a lot of questions on whether my car was electrical or not. People noticed often that I had a plug in hanging out from the bottom, and were surprised of the concept of a block heater.

I guess people don't realize how cold it really gets up here. You can sometimes frostbite in a matter of minutes if you're dumb enough to be running around outside without proper clothing on. It's just bitter out there.

I keep asking Rob if he wants autostart on his car - I have it on mine and I LOVE it! He keeps telling me that HE is the autostart, and he's willing to go out in the morning and in the evening and manually start his car.

Me? I press my remote button, it beeps at me, and my car starts. Not that it's nice and warm by the time I get there or anything...it takes about 1/2 hour to really get warmed up, and I will admit that I've become very super spoiled having leather seats with seat heaters in them. It keeps my butt nice and warm!

Thank goodness for small blessings, right?

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