Daisy now... - (2008-01-18, 6:14 p.m.)

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Beau is doing okay. Not great, but okay. I'm now a huge believer in the power of online prayer chains. Seriously folks...wow.

Daisy now has an upset tummy, she's had a few "accidents" today both in the truck and in the house. We're going to watch her overnight and if need be, add to the already growing debt outstanding at the vets. Beau and Daisy's vet tech Cyndi thought that Dais might just have gotten something that upset her tummy, but it's hard to say. Of course, Dais has been known to eat unspeakable things (sometimes twice) so I'm wondering if she hasn't caught something and this is the result?

For goodness sake, you would think that they're never fed! In reality, they eat better than probably a lot of people on the planet. At our house, refrigerator clean out means super yummy dog food.

Oh, and the only other thing...I got new glasses. They're quite cute, but I'm having an awful time getting used to them!!!

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