New News about Beau (NOT GOOD) - (2008-01-04, 11:42 a.m.)

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Beau is VERY VERY sick. This infection may very well be the end of him.

I spent most of last night and this morning crying. I can't look at my boy dog and tell him "no, we can't afford to take care of you because you're sick."

We met with his Vet this morning and went over some treatment options, but we can't really afford to do what would be the best option, as that would require a trip to the U in the cities. That, and about $5k +.

So yeah.

On a positive note, he was shaved on his belly when we had his ultrasound done and the first fluid withdrawl done out of his thorax (body cavity). He now loves to have his bare belly scratched and will give me his "sad eyes" until I do it. He loves this even though it's hard for him to breathe when he rolls over on his back. Dr Green (his doc) thought this was a good sign.

Right now we're just waiting to see what the next x-ray will show. That's going to happen on Tuesday.

I don't know what we would do without Beau's "Grandpa," my Dad. He loves having the dogs with him during the day. So he is willing and able to take Beau to see Dr. Green whenever he needs.

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