Medora and a Movie - (2007-11-08, 3:33 p.m.)

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I'm trying to update more regularly, even if nothing much is going on. Really, there is stuff going on, but for the most part I feel as though it's to trivial to mention!

I went to PT again this morning and managed to leave my glasses on the doctor's sink. Great. Now I get to stop back tomorrow and pick them up. I felt like such an airhead. Then of course, when I was going to go call them, I found that I had forgotten my cell phone on my night stand.

Which also reminds me, I have to email to let someone know that I'm not going to be able to do serving circle at the church this Sunday. 1. I need more notice. 2. This is going to be the first day that I will have had in over a week, and will have in another week to visit Rob's Mom. So the answer is no.

There, email sent.

I'm out of painkillers tomorrow. The ones that appear to be helping me to lose weight too! I really would like to get some more, so I'll have to call the Doc to see if I can.

Gosh, what else...

Rob and I tried to watch a movie last night. It was cute, but we both fell asleep. So did the cats. Pumpkin and Homer on me, Hercules and Medora on Rob. Medora is SUCH a daddy's girl. She's very loving to everybody, but she's daddy's girl.

When we go over to visit Mom and Dad, we bring her with. All we have to do is bring out her cat carrier and she sees it, then hops right in! She's ready to go, always. She goes over and plays with Simon (their cat) who is such a great big brother to her...he even lets her share his food bowl! Then when it's time to go, we call her and open up her carrier again and she hops right back in and we go home. Such a good girl.

Well, hopefully I have more fun stuff tomorrow. It's hard to be interesting when you're tired all the time. :)

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