True Friendship is... - (2007-09-12, 11:09 a.m.)

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Lots of stuff happening around here, and much overtime being worked. Hence, the inability to do much updating!

I recently tried to reconnect with a friend that IMHO abandoned me when I was going through my divorce and had started to not return my calls/emails. At that time, I thought she was just taking my ex-husband's side, but turns out that she thought that I abandoned her! What. Ever.

As a result, one of my best girlfriends sent me a great email with one of the best compliments. She also didn't have very nice things to say about said friend.

"Hey you still have me!!!!! No matter what you do, you can't run me off! I'm Super-Velcro-sis! I leap tall bitches & kick their ass. I have keen sight to tell you, "what the hell are you wearing, go change", I have superb hearing, so I can hear ya upset across the U.S., and I'll come quick (or call ya :p ).

Quite the compliment. My friend Jen said the same thing also. "That's why you have US!"

Now that's quite the compliment, don't you think?

There's more, but I'm at work and I have to go!

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