Quickie - (2007-03-22, 2:56 p.m.)

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Some days I wonder what the alcohol does to my customers.


Monday night when I was there until 2 AM (hence me being exhausted yesterday and simply going home, taking a bubble bath and going to bed) I got a new conspiracy theory from one of the guys that comes in regularly.

He's a little unusual in the first place. My bar boss called me at work on Monday morning telling me that this guy's step-dad has contacted him and the guy - let's call him "B" - has been using his Mom's debit card for cash and to pay tabs at the bar. Honestly, I've never looked at the name before, he was a regular before I started working there, so I never paid any attention. He's 34, divorced, unemployed, and lives at home with Mom and Step-dad. How he gets his hands on her debit card, I don't know.

Anyhow, the conspiracy theory�

Did you know that the reason that we have so much Alzheimer's is because we're eating food that is right out of the microwave? You know, on the boxes of frozen food it tells you to let the food sit for one to two minutes? That's so that those microwaves can dissipate. When you're eating hot food from the microwave, those microwaves are still bouncing around in the food.

Um, yeah. How could I honestly take this guy seriously? I get all kinds, I swear.

In other news, I see the surgeon again tomorrow. Remember all the arm issues? (See previous last YEAR) When I had surgery on 4/20/06 and 5/25/06? Yeah. They might be back. I woke up last week on Tuesday morning and my fingers on my left hand were all curled under and I had a tough time typing at work that day. And the next. And the one after that. They're better now, but I would rather be safe than sorry when it comes to my arm and hand functionality. I hated being in pain all the time and not able to do anything. Talk about frustrating? Oh yeah.

Rob is coming out tonight to stay so that he can go to the surgeons with me tomorrow morning. I really miss him when he's not "home." Of course, he spends the weekends with me, and he's planning on moving in within a month or so. That's going to be great. :)

Other than that, nothing much is new here. I have moved profiles over on My Space as their customer service support is simply non existent. Get an email back? Forget it! I just gave up and moved. The lovely Lisa sent me my old entries for My Space, so I'll update those when I have time.

It has taken me six hours to make this entry�I had better get going. :)

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