Valentine's Day - (2007-02-15, 8:29 p.m.)

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Okay -

Got the bills paid, doing laundry, getting ready to pack for my long weekend down in the "cities" as us from up around here call them. Looking forward to hitting that big ass mall, and going uptown for some lunch and spending some quality time with my sweetheart in a schwanky hotel room that we booked for our long weekend together.


My Space and I have been having issues, apparently someone got into my account and locked me out somehow, so I have to do what they call a "salute" only I don't have a digital camera anymore, so I'm thinking that when I get back I'm going to borrow Mom's and do so. I miss my myspace updates. Plus, I really wanted to go see my friend Matt, but have no way to get in touch with him. I'll have to think of a way around that one.

Work has been good. Bartending is genearlly fun and stuff, but sometimes people piss me off. Word to those of you that might be customers sometimes...when you have a $75 bar bill and have pumped at least $20 into the juke box, don't keep reminding your bartender that you tipped them a "whole $5!" It's just going to piss them off. Plus, we can add. Don't try to get more than one birthday drink. Give me a break, okay? Plus, be the only two in the bar for the last two hours before close. I could have been home at a reasonable hour! Dumbasses.

Don't get me wrong though, most of my regular customers I just love - they're so much fun! But there are a few, like the one that somehow thought it was okay to smack me on the ass, that are about to be on my last nerve. I embarassed him though quite thoroughly. Heh.

That's about it around here, just trying to stay warm otherwise. It's been darn cold - even the cats pile in bed with me at night!

Hopefully I'll have photos to post here and over on My Space of Robert and I when we get back! (If I can get into my account over there eventually?)

Oh, I almost forgot to mention that for Valentine's day I got a fresh red rose and a big old chocolate heart on my desk. What a sweetheart! I love my honey, he's wonderful. :)

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