Valentines Plans - (2007-01-11, 8:58 p.m.)

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I'm here, I'm here. Apparently I need to fix my images. Perhpas I'll do a new layout, who knows. I have some ideas, so we'll see. That requires effort and time though, one of which I'm quite short of! Guess which one???

Work is going well, I'm cross training into a new area, and I like it. Robert helps me with some of the tougher stuff as he's been doing it for a while. In fact, we're redoing his resume this weekend and writing a letter of intent for an escalation position in his area, which I think he would be great at. He's very good at explaining things. :)

In other news, I've been asked to go to Laughlin, NV for Valentines Day, well, actually the weekend after V-day for vacation. A mini-break, if you will. How fun!!! We're still planning on going to Reno, NV later on this spring. I'm getting so spoiled!

It's such a blessing to hear "I love you so much I don't even have the words for it."

Wow, not much else to say than that, is there?

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