Workman's Comp Update - (2006-12-01, 5:46 p.m.)

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Oh yeah...

Got a voice mail this afternoon that workman's comp has FINALLY approved my disability leave.

Fuckers cut me off on payments - missing work hours, doctor bills, therapy bills on June 15th. I've been struggling ever since, even thought of declaring bankruptcy.

I danced around my house for 1/2 hour, then emailed my boyfriend. Yeah, baby! I'm going to be able to afford to give him a gift certificate for his tattoo that he wants for Christmas!

For the past five months I've cried and lost sleep over all of this. I have over 4k worth of doctor's bills and goodness knows how many thousands in back wages that I had lost. I started working full time again for the first time since January 21st this week!

I'm going to have a savings account again and be able to pay my parents back all the money that I had borrowed to pay my mortgage and be able to keep my SUV and the Harley without having them repoe'd.

Thank you God, somehow you always answer my prayers, even if sometimes I don't understand your ways.

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